- Let me quickly extend my courtesies to everyone here today by saying a very good evening.
- I consider it a privilege to stand before this great gathering as an inducted member of the prestigious Ijebu-Ode Club. This induction is significant because it is a home-coming for me; having been earlier bestowed with honourary membership in the year
- My sincere appreciation goes to the President, other executives and every member, for the kind consideration of my person for full membership of this I pray that God bestows on me the grace to compensate the trust and honour accorded me here today.
- Joining any social club is not just an honour but an opportunity to integrate into the society and be bonded to the social fabric of that immediate environment – Ijebu-Ode in this instance. This type of socialization is a call to offer more to humanity and add value to people. All through my academic years, sojourn in the banking sector, the stint in public office and business engagements; my social life have remained very modest and curtailed.
- However, I have raised the bar of social engagements in recent years owing largely to political pursuits. Having contested to be Ogun state governor on two occasions and that entails a lot because I have become a feature on the social calendar; and occasions like wweddings, burials, birthdays, naming ceremonies, chieftaincy parties, graduations and events of other social clubs – have become constant on my itinerary. It is therefore pertinent to say that what we are doing here this evening is further expansion of my social evolution.
- A politician can do so many things at many times; but to ask a politician to do any rigorous paper presentation or research work at a time like this can be very difficult. Reason is that he is thinking of many things;
- Direct Option
- Indirect Option
- Consensus
- Release of the admission list schedule for Monday
- Submission of list; Who should submit
- Provincial argument
- Equity argument
- So with this, I do not have enough space left to bore you with much here this evening but to share my thoughts with you on one or two issues and take questions. I can’t even wait to dance to the music of my aburo; Igbira. I am inspired to make certain soundbites which I hope will in many ways than one deepen certain conversations around our state.
- I believe in humanity, dignity of man and that society must be made to work in a manner that enhances the life of people; maybe that is why I find myself in politics. I have an abiding passion for excellence and that we cannot continue to struggle as a people in the midst of abundance.
- I believe our physical environment and economic growth of our people should be better than what currently obtains and that experience of deprivations is the same – be it from Maun in Ipokia to Opeji in Odeda to Mowe in Obafemi Owode to Ode Omi in Waterside – The public narrative of lack of inclusive growth is the same. God loves this country, God loves Ogun state; and has blessed us with natural and human resources which only need to be sincerely explored for the good of all.
- But insincere leadership and to a lesser extent, followership has been the bane of our development. We need values reorientation along the paths of integrity, character, love, shared prosperity and the need to embrace delayed gratification for more enduring benefits. If sincere, knowledgeable and integrity-driven people shy away from leadership, charlatans and dealers will continue to exploit us for selfish gains while the masses languish in wants.
- Specifically in our dear State today, I identify inequality in development and insincerity of leadership as fundamental drawbacks of the present system. The development trajectory in recent years has been criminally skewed and our State is now becoming too sensitive to sectional representation; that largely is responsible for the outcry from certain quarters of the state. We now hear of Yewa-Awori agitating and Ijebu-Remo agenda! For me, it is a question of equity and sincerity – and the current administration has never seen these as noble and cardinal objectives.
Friends, sound policy formulation and equitable spread of people-centred developmental projects should be the primary focus of any sincere administration. We cannot allow Ogun state to be defined by sectionalism and nepotism; such that it is only when you have your man in power that development comes to you. Why we acknowledge that everybody must have sense of belonging which ultimately promotes unity & justice. The growth of Egbaland must not necessarily be spearheaded by an Egba Governor; the growth of Ijebu and Remo land should not wait till an Ijebu Governor is on the seat; and the growth of Yewa-Awori land must not become a guarantee only when their son becomes a Governor. The growth of Ogun state should be led by someone with a pan-Ogun state development agenda!
- The provincial argument being propagated in certain quarters is symptomatic of the atrocious neglect of Ijebuland; the loud noise of Yewa l’okan is indicative of the crass neglect of the zone; and when you even traverse many communities of Egbaland, the signposts of poverty and degradation are too audible for comfort. In this entire decline, there is palpable lack of good faith and insincerity on the path of leadership.
- The late sage, Obafemi Awolowo was the Premier of the Western region and his achievements and developmental monuments litter the whole of today’s southwest states; despite originating from Ogun state. That is Statesmanship and it should be the hallmark of a leader. Therefore, what should define a 21st century Ogun state should be progress of zones based on their comparative economic and natural advantages that is predicated on good policies, equity, fairness and justice; and not by the ethnic localization of the Chief Executive.
- It is further instructive to note that the administrations of Olabisi Onabanjo, Olusegun Osoba and even Gbenga Daniel did not make real development an exclusive preserve of their zones. Sectionalism probably became pronounced in the past few years and we must not allow that to be institutionalised or define us going forward.
- The common man is not party to the shenanigans of the political elite. They simply want a leader that will guarantee their welfare in terms of food, shelter, clothing, security, healthcare, education and economic opportunities. Good communal roads, water and energy becomes good compliments. All these are not privileges but basic citizen’s entitlements and constitutional imperatives!
- From the foregoing, I am in eager expectations that the current system will be overhauled and credible choices that can impact society for the better should be made by the people – in order to drive the much needed socioeconomic emancipation of Ijebuland and Ogun state in general.
- Let me conclude these remarks by way of information and appeal; for I regard this club as a microcosm of the Ijebu elites and the gathering here is a crystal testament. I like to inform that I am a strong aspirant for the office of Ogun state governor using the platform of the African Democratic Party (ADC); and I am optimistic of emerging its candidate come October 2nd, 2018. I have paid my dues in Ogun state politics. I possess the capacity, competence and character for the task ahead.
- I know the people and the people know me. I will unveil my ‘7 steps to Abundance’ manifesto within a week of my candidacy and I am very optimistic of being declared the winner of the March 2nd, 2019 gubernatorial election. I crave your trust and support. I assure the people of Ijebu that under my watch, they will receive a pride of place in terms of environmental upgrade, socioeconomic integration and political ascendancy. I desire that this club in conjunction with other Ijebu stakeholders put together an Ijebu development agenda which I will integrate into my economic blueprint and will be committed to as a pact with the people. More importantly, every part of Ogun state shall enjoy shared prosperity.
- Finally, I hope to bring my values to play at this club and also commit to its tenets and practices. I am in firm resolve to contribute my quota to the overall development of Ijebu-Ode Club and to see it retain its position as a top social organization in Ogun state. Becoming a member today is an honour I will cherish for many years to come.
- Once again, I thank my President, the executives, every member of the club, the planners of this ceremony, invited guests, my political associates here present and members of the fourth estate of the realm. There is no other fulfilment in life than the endeavour to commit to a worthy cause. I have chosen one; I will run with it and contribute to leave my generation better than I met it.
- While I urge us to enjoy the rest of the evening, please be assured of my esteemed regards and I wish us safe trip to our respective Thanks for your listening.
Text of speech delivered by Prince Gboyega Nasir Isiaka (GNI) on his induction as Member of the prestigious Ijebu-Ode Club on Sunday 9th September, 2018.